Thuy Nguyen · Portfolio


Design Researcher


User Research

Concept Development

Usability Test


2 Designers, 1 PM

1 Design Researcher

Traveloka is an OTA (online travel agency) platform that aims to provide users with better travel experience. As Traveloka started to expand its market to Vietnam, it was necessary for the team to acquire an understanding of local customers and their consumption behaviour. When that understanding and empathy is built, then we can make the necessary modifications and develop products that better suits the local needs.

As part of the ongoing effort to boost sales and provide a better purchase experience, Traveloka focus on offering its users a wide range of different payment methods to make purchase easier. A team made up by international collaboration was formed and was assigned to research and design a new payment method, Bank Transfer, to the Vietnamese users.

The goal

The goal of the project is to build the payment flow that is user-friendly, easy to understand, while also takes into account Vietnamese users purchase behaviour and limitations of the local banking infrastructure.


In order to deliver a design that works, we need answers to the following key areas as they were crucial for the success of the design outcome:

  1. 1.  Business requirements
  2. 2.  User Needs: by listening to real customers' feedback and their pain points
  3. 3.  Technical capability and constraints

Design Process

  1. 1. RESEARCH

  1. 1. Analyse business requirements to understand and clarify them. This also helps us to agree on project outcomes and deliverables.

  2. 2. Analytics review: Deep dive into existing quantitative data to form hypotheses and find problem space. By analysing the data, we were able to find out several touch points of the purchase process where the problems might occur. To deep dive into each problem, I also set up discussion with other teams : Customer Service team, Payment Operational Team to explore more on the problem space.

  1. 3. Competitor benchmarking: study on other competitor's approach (direct and indirect), research on similar features in other platform.

  2. 4. User research: Quantitative Survey + Interview

To gain a better understanding on users' perception and understanding on Transfer, I also talked to several internal employees and observed when they directly interacted with the product.

We also utilised quantitative survey to reach out to our real customers to validate some of our hypotheses and identify some unknown problem areas in the product.

  1. 5. Customer Journey Map:  With our gathered insights, we created a Bank transfer Journey map and used this as a tool to help everyone in the team to understand User flow and their pain points, together with our problem space and opportunities.

  1. 2. DESIGN

We identified several Insight statements and rephrase these design challenges as How Might We questions to turn those challenges into opportunities for design.

From research, it appeared to us that there were several opportunities to be explored further:

➤ HMW create an informative, instructional transfer flow for our users?

➤ HMW reduce friction of paying by transfer?

➤ HMW inform users about the consequences of interbank transfer?

➤ HMW utilise the local understanding about the banking system in our flow?


Together with Business Development Analyst and other Designers, we run brainstorming session and generate different ideas to tackle each problem. Taking into account other factors like business and technical requirements, we were able to test and choose a direction to further explore. A quick interacting prototype were built using Sketch and Marvel so that we can run some test to the real users.


We employed Guerilla Usability Testing to quickly test the idea and make changes based on real user feedback. In these sessions, we gave the user the scenario and observe how they actually used the product to make purchase.

After several testing rounds and lots of feedback integration, a more refined idea has surfaced and was ready to move on to next stage, Design Documentation and Live Prototyping.


After designs are shipped to be implemented, as a team, we sit down to decide several Success Metrics , Measure and Evaluate criteria to evaluate the performance of the new feature. This includes define Success Metrics, building Roadmap, and making plans for evaluating and monitoring the performance.

Project outcome:

3 months after the implementation of the new design, we observed:

➤ An increase of transactions that using Bank Transfer to complete purchase

➤ A significant decrease in the amount of transactions that was transferred in wrong amount and unidentified money

Project learning

1. Diverse team collaboration

By having the early involvement of the Business team was essential to keep the design team constantly in check the designs that ensure meets Business requirements as well as Users needs. On the other side, the involvement of Business in the design process is also a great way for them to build sympathy towards the customers.

2. Communication is key

As team members come from different backgrounds and knowledge to the product and banking system are different, clear communication is the key to success.

3. Speaking the user’s language

User testing and feedback is key to success in product development. At a glance, these tiny clusters of words seem insignificant when compared to the overall site design, content, and navigational flow. But surprisingly, those few little words can derail a sale or frustrate a user if not done right. Speaking the user’s language and guiding them throughout was quintessential.